Major event in a Jewish wedding
Every wedding reflects some distinctiveness that is typical of its culture. The Jewish wedding is not any exception in this regard too. The most appealing aspect of a purely Jewish nuptial ceremony is that it comprises of a series of events, each of which are very significant and immensely cardinal.
A professional Jewish Wedding Photographer who is appointed for clicking the vital moments of Jewish wedding ceremony never misses any of these events. Thus, when asked the professional Jewish Wedding Videographer and photographer will enlist some of these events.
- Signing the Ketubah
The professional Jewish Wedding Photographer reports that a Jewish wedding ceremony initiates with the process of signing the Ketubah. The Ketubah is basically a spiritual contract between the bride and the groom who enter into the marital relationship.
This process of signing the Ketubah is usually done in the presence of a rabbi, who is the Jewish priest.
Therefore, this event is definitely worth capturing in the lenses of a professional Jewish Wedding Videographer and photographer.
- Bedecken
The next event in the Jewish ceremony is the Bedecken. This term ‘Bedecken’ is an authentic Jewish word that means veiling the bride. In this event, the groom is supposed to put the bridal veil on the head of the bride.
In elaborating on the implication of this event, a reputed Jewish Wedding Photographer of the town says that originally this event was considered significant because it helped the groom to check and confirm that the woman he is marrying is the same person with whom all the negotiations have taken place.
Even though this practice of checking and confirming the identity of the woman in veil is not existent today, the tradition still continues as part of the Jewish wedding.
- The core ceremony
An experienced Jewish Wedding Videographer and photographer says that after these two significant events connected with Jewish matrimonial occasion comes the core ceremony. This comprises of a range of events.
Some of the significant events that are observed under the umbrella term of core wedding ceremony are the procession of the bride, groom and the rabbi along the aisle, circling of the bride around the groom seven times, the first blessing accompanied by first two cups of wine, ring ceremony, the seven blessing and the last cups of wine.
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